Bryan Fischer

Former Director of Issues Analysis for the American Family Association; host of “Focal Point” on American Family Radio


"Islam has no fundamental First Amendment claims, for the simple reason that the [U.S. Constitution] was not written to protect the religion of Islam." - Bryan Fischer

Bryan Fischer

Former Director of Issues Analysis for the American Family Association; host of “Focal Point” on American Family Radio

The religious right boasts virulent anti-Muslim radio host Bryan Fischer, the former director of issues analysis for the American Family Association and host of “Focal Point” on American Family Radio. Fischer is also a blogger for the AFA-sponsored blog Rightly Concerned. Some of Fischer’s rants are filled with raw hate. For instance, he says that Muslim Americans have no First Amendment rights, are stupid due to inbreeding and should be deported, while other Muslims should be halted from immigrating to the United States. “The threat to our freedoms comes not from radical Islam but from Islam itself,” said Fischer. 

He is adamant in his belief that practicing American Muslims cannot adopt American “values” and says we should “only admit to our shores those who will strengthen our nation and assimilate themselves into it, adopting our flag, our history, our heroes, and our values. This is something that devout Muslims simply cannot do.”

Bryan Fischer photo by AP Photo / Troy Maben