Governor of Louisiana and Vice Chairman of the Republican Governors Association
"What is not acceptable and what you’ve seen in Europe and this is a very serious particular threat, you’ve got those that do want to try to impose a form of Sharia law. And Sharia law is antithetical, mutually exclusive of freedom, in treating women as first-class citizens, it is antithetical to the values we hold dear." - Gov. Bobby Jindal
Gov. Bobby Jindal
Governor of Louisiana and Vice Chairman of the Republican Governors Association
Bobby Jindal is the current Governor of Louisiana and Vice Chairman of the Republican Governors Association. Jindal previously served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 2005-2008. Gov. Jindal has been mentioned as a potential contender in the 2016 presidential election.
He made national headlines in 2015 when during a trip to the United Kingdom, he spoke against so-called "no-go zones" and claimed that certain cities in the UK are governed under Sharia law. "If we're not careful the same no-go zones you're seeing now in Europe will come to America," Jindal said. In a January 19 speech to the Henry Jackson Society in London, Jindal cautioned of "dangerous" Muslims who "want to come to our country but not adopt our values."
In response to Jindal's bigoted remarks, some of the main architects of the Islamophobia network in America sent him a letter applauding him for his remarks.